Agile means to move quickly but with ease.
Agile is a set of principles or methodologies that aims to maximise efficiency and minimise wastage in a process. It adopts well in the process of software development and maintenance.
Agile as a software project management process is highly adopted across organisations globally owing to its simplicity and effectiveness.
Two decades ago software release cycles were measured in years. Today it has been reduced to days for some software applications. Over a staggered approach of designing, building, qualifying and releasing a software spread across multiple teams, today it is much more continuous delivered by a minuscule fraction of the team size.
Today business is speed and speed means business. But with speed comes the evils of missed quality, shortcuts and burn-out.
Agile processes bring the balance of both - speed but with ease. We are firm believers of Kaizen - The art of continuous improvement.
To cater to today's business and help our clients stay ahead, we are Agile.
To keep our team ahead with the fast changing technologies, we are Agile.
To keep GEOGO going, we are Agile.
Agility is in our emblem, agility is on our heart.
We follow a simple cycle of Aware-Act-Adapt in all our activity.
We believe awareness is the key to mindful actions. The path to knowledge and change starts from awareness. Be it our next project or staff appraisal, we take extra care to make ourselves aware of the need, problems, the goals. We keep ourselves continuously aware of the recent developments of tools & technologies we use, industry practices and processes.
Right awareness actually helps us in judging for right actions - be it deciding on the right technology or the building something relevant which the client did not ask for.
But, it is not that we do not fail. Actually we fail a lot, but we try to fail as early as possible. Hence, we do the inspection of what we build in shorter cycles, identify the root causes and make course correction before starting back again. Adaptation is the key activity of our Agile process. GEOGO culture charter reads - Fail fast, fail differently.
The immediate benefit of Agile is the enhancement of efficiency & productivity. But, over the prolonged practice of Agile, we have found immense benefits in certain intangible quarters of business.
Agility fosters a culture of Collaboration & Ownership. It helps immensely in building a high-performance team. We take pride in our GEOGO Team which both high in commitment and competence, always.
Our continuous improvement mantra guides us to build softwares with higher quality, innovate to do things better way & keep going the extra mile.
Our process bolsters transparency and openness. This builds trust at an all-new level - for us, our partners and our clients.
Come, explore this experience in your next project with us, the GEOGO way !!